Visitation from Archangel Michael & The Blessed Mother Mary to Samarkand, Uzbekistan 1-12-13-23

Visitations of January 12 and 13, 2023

St. Michael appeared before three children and again (on the same night) to two adults in the city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan on January 12, 2023. St. Michael’s words were the same in each visitation.

St. Michael said:

“Do not fear what you see, but listen carefully to what you hear. Give glory to God in the highest. Bow in His presence, kneel at His very name.

The Son wishes for you to prepare yourselves for His mother’s visitation tomorrow. The Blessed Mother will come to you and speak to you the words which the Holy One wants you to know.

Prepare yourselves by spending this night in prayer and tomorrow by fasting.
Be attentive to the words she speaks to you. As the angels do the will of the Godhead, and as the Son does the will of the Father, so too does the Blessed Mother do the Will of He who took her up into the heavens to safeguard the Ark of Salvation.”

After speaking these words, the angel disappeared from our sight.

The next evening, January 13, 2023, the adults and the children were guided by the Spirit to meet together at the same place.

The archangel Michael appeared again and said,

“Listen to your Mother, the Mother of Jesus Christ the Son of God.”

St. Mary said, “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Honor and glory to the heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ!

Children of the Father, disciples of my Son, guided by the Holy Spirit you may remain as faithful children if you continue in obedience to the Commandments given to you. Remember the words of Jesus, ‘If you love me, follow My Commandments.’

Never forget that the truth of God and the Commandments are found within the Scriptures handed down to you, as well as the Traditions that have been taught to you and in the Revelations that the Church receives by the Will of the Father. These Three Pillars will continue to guide you in your life. You will recall the words and the teachings in the Pillars when you are suffering persecution. Always remember that you will be in the Presence of the Father.

My Son is preparing a church for the people of the western lands who do not have the traditions that have been practiced in the eastern Christian churches. This is my Son’s Church which has been purchased by His own blood. The Father will bless the Church and those who work for its spiritual construction. You are to build it upon the Three Pillars and on the instructions given to you through the Son and the angels and saints.

Speak to the Church about these events, always giving honor and glory to God. I will come to you again in two days [January 15, 2023]. Prayer diligently. Pray always.”

After she spoke these words, the Blessed Mother disappeared from before us. Neither she nor St. Michael could be seen.

This Account of the visitation was given by Adrian Tarendra