Prayers for Rosh Khodesh (New Moon)

The following consists of the Prayers for Rosh Khodesh (New Moon). 


(Ye-halelu-kha Yahuah Eloheinu, bol-ma’asekha wa’khasidim wa’tsadikim, osei re’tzonekha wa’amekha, Beith Yisrael kulam berinah yodu wa’barkhu wa’yesh-bekhu wa’yifaru eth Shem ka-vo-dekha. Ki lekha tov lehodoth. Ul’simkha na’im l’zamer. Ume’olam wa’ad olam atah El-Shaddai Mashiakh!)

May all Your creation, Mar-Yah, our Alaha, praise You. And Your khasidim and tzadikim, who work according to Your Will, and Your people, Beit Yisrael, shall all give thanks unto You with celebratory psalms, and they shall bless, praise and give glory to Your Most Glorious Name, for it is certainly befitting to give thanks unto You. And it is joyous to chant with great joy concerning Your Name, and from the present world to Olam ha’Ba, You, O Mar-Yah, are El-Shaddai Mshikha! 

Opening Psalm 
(From Psalm 150) 
Halelu-Yah! Halelu eil b’qad-sho, halelu-hu birqe’ya uzo. 
Halelu-hu bij-vuro-tav, halelu-hu kerov jud-lo. 
Halelu-hu betei-qa shofar, halelu-hu b’nei-vel we’khi-nor. 
Halelu-hu betof uma-khol, halelu-hu bemi-nim we’u-jav. 


(Barukh atah Yahuah, Eloheinu, melek me’hu-lal, batish-bakhuth. Amen.) 

Blessed are You, Mar-Yah our Alaha, the King who is given all the glory with psalms. Amen. 

Prayer for Compassion on the Sick 

(Mi she-beirakh Avoteinu mekor ha’brakha l’imoteinu. Ve-imru Amen.) 

May the Source of strength Who blessed the ones who went before us, grant us to find the courage to make our own lives a blessing to others. And let us say, Amen. 

(Mi she-beirakh imoteinu mekor ha’brakha l’avoteinu. Ve-imru Amen.) 

Bless those who are in need of healing with a speedy recovery, the revitalisation of their body and spirit. And let us say, Amen. 

[Names of individuals may be said here] 


(Adonai shiftai tiftakh. Ufi yajid te-hila-thekha.) 

Adonai, open my lips, that my lips may speak Your praise. 

(Barukh atah Yahuah, Eloheinu wa’Alohei avoteinu, Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitskhaq wa’Elohei Ya’aqub. HaEil haJadol hajibor wa-hanora. Eil El-yon, Mashiakh. Jomeil khasidim tovim. Qonei hakol wa’zokheir khasdei avoth. Umei-via jo’eil liv-nei beni-ohem lema’an shemo be’ahavah.) 

Blessed are You, Mar-Yah, our Alaha, and Alaha of our fathers, Alaha of Avraham, Alaha of Yitzkhaq, and Alaha of Ya’aqub. You who are the great, mighty and fear inspiring Alaha, the Supreme One, Almighty, Mshikha, You who reward with loving-kindness, who possesses all things and remembers for the good of Your people, the kindness of the Patriarchs, and brings Mshikha to the seed of their children for the sake of His Name, in love. 

(Melek oz-eir umosh-iya umajen. Barukh atah Yahuah Majen Avraham.) 

The King who brings help, saves and protects His people. Blessed are You, Mar-Yah, the Shield of Avraham. 

Abun (Lord’s Prayer) 

(ARAMAIC: Abun d’bashmaya, nith-qadash, shemakh teitei malkhutakh, neh-wei tzevi-yonakh aikana de-bashmaya af ba-ar’e hav lan lakhma desunqanan yomana washbuq lan khobein aikana daf kanan shebaqin lekhai-yebein wela talan lenisi-yuna ala fatzan min bisha mitol dedilakh hi malkhuta we-kaila we-tishbukata, le’alam almin, amein.) 

Our Father in heaven, may your name be sanctified. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. Give us the bread of our need this day. Forgive us our offences, as we have forgiven those who have offended us. And do not permit us to be brought into trial, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen. 

Atah Jibor 

(Atah jibor le’olam Yahuah. Mechai’yeh me-thim atah. Rav le’khoshi’ya.) 

You are mighty for eternity, Mar-Yah. You resurrect the dead and are certainly capable of salvation. 

[From Pesakh to the eight day of Sukkoth add:] 
(Mi morid hatal) 
He who causes the dew to descend. 

[From the eight day of Sukkoth to Pesakh add:] 
(Mi mashiv haruakh we’morid ha’jeshem.) 
He who makes the wind to blow and the rain to descend. 

Atah Qadosh 

(Atah, Yahuah, qadosh we’shimekha qadosh. We’qedoshim bekhol yom yehalelukha, selah. Barukh atah Yahuah ha’Eil ha’qadosh.)  

You, O Mar-Yah, are holy and Your Name is Holy, and holy beings give You praise each day, forever. Blessed are You, Mar-Yah, the Holy Alaha. 

Roshei Khadashim 

(Roshei khadashim le’amekha nathata, ha’shevet nesarim. Zeman kaparah le’khal toldotham. Bihe’yotham maqribim lefanekha zibkhai ratzon. We’she’ir khatath le’khapeir ba’edam. Zikaron le’khulam haya, teshu’ath nafsham mi’yad shonei. Miz-beikh khadash be’tzi’yon takhin we’olath rosh khodesh na’aleh alin.) 

You have given new moons to your nation, the tribe of the Essenes. The time of covering (atonement) for all their generations when they brought the offerings (in ancient times) according to Your Will. A he-goat offering for sin to make covering (atonement) for their guilt. A good remembrance for all of them, and salvation of their lives from the hand of the persecutor. May You establish a new altar in Zion and we shall bring the burnt offering of the new moon (to be placed) upon it. 


(Eloheinu we’Alohei avoteinu. Khadeish aleinu eth ha’kodesh hazeh le’tovah we’livrakhah. Le’sason ule’simkhah, b’Yahushuah le’nekhama. Le’farnasah ule’khal-kalah. Le’khai’yim tovim ule’shalom. Li’mekhi-lath khei-ta. We’li-se-likhath on.) 

Our Alaha, and Alaha of our fathers, renew for us this month, for good and for blessing, for joyousness and for happiness, in Yahushuah, for consolation. For livelihood and for sustenance, for a good life, and for shalom, for forgiveness of guilt, and pardon of sin. 

[On Shabbat add:] 

(Atah yatzreta olamekha miqedem. Kili-tha melakheth-ekha ba’yom hashe-vi’yi. Bakh-areta banu mikol ha’umoth we’ratzi-tha banu mikol hale’shonoth. We’qida-shetanu be’mitzvoth-ekha.) 

In ancient times You had Your world created and You completed the beginning of Your work by the seventh day. You elected us from all the nations and Your favoured us from all other tongues, and You sanctified us through Your Mitzvoth. 

(Barukh atah Yahuah, meqadeish ha’shabath we’yisrael we’rashei khadashim.) 

Blessed are You Yahuah, who sanctifies Shabbat, Yisrael and the new moons. 

[Followed by Sim Shalom]

~ The “j” in the transliteration represents the letter “jimel” (gimel) and is pronounced like the “j” in “Jacob”. If you need help with any of the other phonetics please let me know. The transliteration follows the standard rules except for the breaking up of certain words (that was done in order to faciliate easier access to pronouncing the words). 

The last Sofer Michael Beñor