Walking in the Virtues

In the Name of Almighty God, the Lord of heaven and King of all nations.

Children of Light,

I wish for each of you to reflect upon the Twelve Virtues that guide those who sincerely follow the Message of Light. These virtues are not mere words; they are the essence of a life well-lived. They illuminate your path, inspire your actions, and shape your character. I speak of here of their profound significance in your lives.

The first virtue is royalty. Royalty reminds you that you are all children of a loving and merciful God, heirs to His Kingdom of Light. You are called to embrace your divine dignity, treating yourselves and others with respect, compassion, and love.

Wisdom beckons you to seek understanding and discernment in all that you do. It is the light that guides you through the complexities of life, enabling you to make sound decisions, and encouraging you to grow in knowledge and understanding.

Victory reminds you that you are capable of overcoming challenges and adversity. With determination and resilience, you can triumph over obstacles, reach your goals, and emerge stronger than before.

Contentment teaches you the art of finding joy in the present moment, embracing gratitude for the blessings you have been bestowed. It frees you from the shackles of material possessions and helps you discover true happiness in the simple joys of life.

Purity calls you to purify your hearts and minds, to strive for holiness and righteousness. It invites you to cultivate noble thoughts, pure intentions, and virtuous actions. In doing so, you create a space for God’s grace to flow abundantly in your lives.

Truth is a beacon that guides you towards authenticity and integrity. It compels you to speak the truth, act truthfully, and seek truth in all aspects of your existence. By embracing truth, you become people of character and build relationships based on trust.

Faith, the foundation of your spiritual journey, reminds you to trust in God’s providence and love. It invites you to surrender your worries and fears, placing your hope in the Creator. Faith empowers you to face challenges with courage and find solace in the knowledge that you are never alone.

Patience is a virtue that helps you navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and composure. It teaches you to wait with perseverance and acceptance, understanding that God’s timing is perfect. Patience enables you to cultivate empathy and compassion towards others.

Sincerity calls you to be genuine and authentic in your interactions with others. It invites you to be true to yourselves and to your values, allowing your words and actions to align with your innermost convictions. Sincerity fosters trust and builds meaningful relationships.

Kindness is a virtue that has the power to transform lives. It urges you to extend love and compassion to all, regardless of their background or circumstances. Kindness has the ability to heal wounds, mend broken hearts, and bring hope to those who are in despair.

Justice demands that you uphold fairness and equity in your interactions with others. It requires you to stand against injustice, oppression, and discrimination. Justice calls you to advocate for the marginalized and to work towards creating a more just and compassionate society.

Light represents the Divine Presence, illuminating your path and dispelling darkness. It reminds you of your duty to be a lamp of hope and love in the world, to share your light with others, and to shine brightly in the darkest of times.

The Twelve Virtues form a road map for your lives. As you embrace them, you become instruments of God’s grace, spreading love, compassion, and justice in your communities. Walk the Path of Life together, supporting and encouraging one another along the way, knowing that with these virtues, you can transform yourselves and the world around you.

Your brother in the service of the Grand Creator,

Mehr Madʼyana
June 11, 2023

{To view is actually – original message click here}