Chapter 8 – Dwelling Together in Unity

In the Name of Almighty God, the Lord of heaven and King of all nations.

Children of Light, today I wish to speak to you on a truth that has been passed down through the ages: it is good to dwell together in unity. In a world filled with division, discord, and strife, unity holds a special place in the heart of God. It is a bond that brings His people closer to one another and closer to Him. As you look around at the world, you see societies that are fractured by petty differences and torn apart by conflicts. It is easy to witness the consequences of this disunity in various communities, nations, and even within families. But as followers of the Light of God, you are called to be an example of unity, exemplifying the love and compassion of the Creator.

Unity begins with recognizing your shared humanity, your common origin in the Creator’s image, your brotherhood, your spiritual family. Regardless of your backgrounds, cultures, or experiences, each of you are part of the same human family. It is through this lens that you can embrace one another as brothers and sisters, celebrating your diversity while recognizing your fundamental connection with one another.

In the sacred scriptures, there are numerous passages that emphasize the importance of unity. The Psalms tell us, “How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1). The apostle Paul, writing to the early Christian communities, urged them to be diligent in “keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3).

Keep in mind that unity requires effort, understanding, and a willingness to set aside your preferences for the greater good. It calls the people of God to embrace humility, to listen to one another with open hearts, and to seek common ground among your differences. However, unity does not mean conformity or the suppression of your individuality. Rather, it invites you to celebrate the unique gifts and talents that each brother and sister brings to the table. It is often in your diversity that you find strength and richness. In the same manner that the various parts of the body work together in harmony, so too should you, as members of a united spiritual community, come together as one body, united in purpose and love.

When you dwell together in unity, you create a powerful testimony to the world around you. Your unity becomes a testimony to the transforming power of God’s love. It is through your unity that you become a tangible expression of God’s Presence, drawing others towards the truth and beauty of the Light of God.

Therefore, commit yourselves to fostering unity within your spiritual communities. Bridge the gaps that divide you, seek reconciliation where there is brokenness, and extend the hand of fellowship to those who may feel marginalized or excluded. Be the embodiment of love, compassion, and understanding, so that all who encounter you may witness the life changing power of unity.

May the grace of our Lord guide you in your pursuit of unity. May God’s Spirit inspire each of you to put aside your differences and come together as one. And may your unity be a source of strength, joy, and hope, not only for yourselves but for the world that longs for healing and reconciliation.

Remember, my children, that it is good to dwell together in unity. Embrace this truth and live it out each day, for in doing so, you honor God and reflect His love to a world in need.

Mehr Madʼyana
June 14, 2023

Chapter 8 – Dwelling Together in Unity