Reading for 3 April 2016

Matthew 3
In those days, Yokhanan the baptiser came, preaching in the desert of Yudah, saying, 2 “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near!” 3 For it is he who was spoken of by Isaiah the prophet, saying:

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness,

prepare the Way of Mar-Yah.

Make straight his path.” *

4 Now Yokhanan’s clothes were made of the hair of camels, and a girdle of skins was upon his loins. His food was locusts and wild honey. 5 Then [people] from Yerushalayim, all of Yudah, and all the lands that surround the Yordan had gone out to him 6 that they could be baptised by him in the Yordan River, after they confessed their sins. 7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees that came to be baptised he said to them, “Generation of vipers, who has told you to flee from the wrath that will come? 8 Practice therefore the fruits that are worthy of repentance! 9 You should not suppose and think within yourselves, ‘We have Avraham as our father,’ for I tell you that from these stones God is able to raise up sons to Avraham.

10 “Behold! The axe is placed at the root of the trees. All trees therefore that do not bring forth good fruit will be cut and thrown into the fire. 11 I baptise you in water for repentance, but he that will come after me is more powerful than I, [and] I am not worthy to remove his sandals. He will baptise you by the Holy Spirit and by fire. * 12 He whose winnowing fan is in his hand will cleanse his threshing floors. He will gather his wheat into his granaries, and the chaff he will burn in the fire that will not extinguish.”

13 Then Yeshua and his mother and his brothers came from Galil to the Yordan to Yokhanan, to be baptised by him. 14 But Yokhanan refusing him, said, “It is I that needs to be baptised by you, and you come to me?”

15 Then Yeshua answered and said to him, “It is not that I have sinned that I should be baptised, but you must allow it now, for it is proper for us to fulfil all righteousness.” Then he allowed it. 16 When Yeshua was baptised, at once he came up from the water, and the heavens were opened to him. And he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and the Holy Spirit descended and rested upon him. 17 And behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am pleased. My Son, you have come and I will rest in you. For you are my rest and you are my firstborn son who will reign forever.”

James 3
1 Do not permit there to be too many teachers among you, my brethren; you should know that we are subjected to a severer judgment. 2 For all of us have offended in many things. Whoever does not offend in what he states is like a perfect man who is able to keep his whole body in subjection. 3 Behold, we put bridles into the mouth of horses so that they are subject to us and through the bridles we are able to control the whole body. 4 Also, ships that are large, when strong winds drive them, they are directed by a small piece of wood to whatever direction the pilot chooses with the rudder.

5 So likewise the tongue is a small member and it exalts itself. Also a small flame can overtake a large forest. 6 Now the tongue is like a fire and the world of sin is like a forest. And this tongue, which is only one among our members, stains the whole body; and it ignites fire within our whole body and continues to burn.

7 For you know that all natures of beasts and birds and reptiles of the sea or land are subject to the authority of man. 8 But no one has been able to gain subjection over the tongue when it become like an evil thing and full of venom. 9 With the tongue we bless Mar-Yah the Father; and with it we curse men who were made in the image of Alaha 10 and from the same mouth come both curses and blessings. My brethren, this type of conduct should not be found among you.

11 Can there flow from the same fountain both sweet and bitter waters? 12 My brethren, can the fig-tree bear olives? Or the vine, figs? So also the sea cannot be made sweet.

13 Who among you has been instructed in wisdom? Let him show his works in praiseworthy behaviour, wisdom and modesty. 14 But if there is bitter envy in you, or contention within your hearts, do not exalt yourselves against the truth, and do not lie. 15 For this is not the type of wisdom that comes from above; but is earthly, originating from all sorts of evil things. 16 For wherever envy is found, there also is a home for confusion, and all things become chaos. 17 But the wisdom from above is pure and full of peace, mild, and submissive, and is full of compassion and produces good fruit, and it does not have partiality, and does not discriminate against people. 18 And the fruits of righteousness are sown in stillness, by all of those who make peace.

Psalms 18-22
Click to read (external link)

Ode 6
1As is the course of anger over wickedness, so is the course of joy over the Beloved; and brings in of its fruits unhindered.

2My joy is Mar-Yah and my course is towards Him, this path of mine is beautiful. 3For there is a Helper for me, Mar-Yah. He has generously shown Himself to me in His simplicity, because His kindness has diminished His dreadfulness.

4He became like me, that I might receive Him. In form He was considered like me, that I might put Him on. 5And I trembled not when I saw Him, because He was gracious to me. 6Like my nature He became, that I might understand Him. And like my form, that I might not turn away from Him.

7The Father of knowledge is the Word of knowledge. 8He who created wisdom is wiser than His works. 9And He who created me when yet I was not knew what I would do when I came into being.

10On account of this He was gracious to me in His abundant grace, and allowed me to ask from Him and to benefit from His sacrifice. 11For He it is who is in-corrupt, the perfection of the worlds and their Father.

12He has allowed Him to appear to them that are His own; in order that they may recognise Him that made them, and not suppose that they came of themselves. 13For towards knowledge He has set His way, he has widened it and lengthened it and brought it to complete perfection. 14And has set over it the beams of His Light, and it proceeded from the beginning until the end.

15For by Him He was served, and He was pleased by the Son. 16And because of His salvation He will possess everything.

17And the Most High will be known by His holy ones: 18To announce to those who have songs of the coming of Mar-Yah, that they may go forth to meet Him and may sing to Him, with joy and with the harp of many tones.

19The Seers shall go before Him, and they shall be seen before Him. 20And they shall praise Mar-Yah in His love, because He is near and does see.

21And hatred shall be removed from the earth, and with jealousy it shall be drowned. 22For ignorance was destroyed upon it, because the knowledge of Mar-Yah arrived upon it.

23Let the singers sing the grace of Mar-Yah Most High, and let them bring their songs. 24And let their heart be like the day, and their gentle voices like the majestic beauty of Mar-Yah.

25And let there not be anyone who breathes that is without knowledge or voice. 26For He gave a mouth to His creation: to open the voice of the mouth towards Him, and to praise Him.

27Confess His power and declare His grace. Halilu’Ya.